Warping is unique to solid wooden doors and stems from a rise in humidity, heat or damp levels and moisture entering doors. Most people notice warp during season changes, when there is rapid heating or cooling of your home with heaters or air conditioners are switched on. Warp is not a manufacturing defect; it is simply a product reacting to changing environmental conditions.
During the lifetime of your solid wood door you may notice that your door may start to bow or warp slightly. Doors subject to different temperature and humidity conditions on opposite sides of the door are increasingly affected i.e./ Bathroom doors and exterior doors. Keeping heat sources away from doors and providing proper ventilation will help reduce door warp.
Wood naturally expands and contracts when exposed to moisture and changes in temperature, however if a door has swollen a great deal, it is unlikely to revert to its original shape. If a door has minimal swelling that is causing it to rub against its frame, you may be able to remove the door and plane down the swollen area with a sander which can help ease the problem. Some doors however cannot be fixed at all and efforts made to mend them can make matters worse. It is always a good idea to ring a professional for an opinion before trying to fix a door yourself.
The best way to combat warping is to try and prevent it in the first place. Doors should be properly sealed on all 6 sides (two faces and four edges) with a good quality product. This includes behind the hinges and lock and most importantly special attention should be taken to the top and bottom edges. Failing to coat all 6 sides will usually result in the door voiding warranty.
Even though having a swollen door can seem like a simple problem, it is not always an easy problem to fix. Reach out to us for an assessment of any swollen doors or for help with selecting a replacement.
How to fix a sagging door?
The good news is you have a sagging door is that they are typically easy, fast and inexpensive to fix. As houses age, it is common for doors to begin to sag and usually they can be traced to the top hinge. Screws in the top hinge may turn loose or begin to pull out. Hinges are durable, however over time the hinge pin may begin to wear out, so replacing a hinge or all 3 hinges at the same time is necessary. Replacing the hinge and tightening the hinge screws if often enough to fix a sagging issue.